Misner Endowment Fund
The Misner Endowment Fund is a critical piece of the BNI Foundation, laying the foundation for the future of our programs. With the support of the following Endowment Fellows, the BNI Foundation can continue to grow and support children and education for years to come. Beth Misner, co-founder of the BNI Foundation, always dreamed of reaching $1,000,000 in the Misner Endowment Fund and our Fellows are on their way to make that dream come true. Their donations will live on to grow and support the generations to come.
The Misner Endowment Fund currently holds over $600,000 and with every Fellow that joins the Endowment, we are one step closer to achieving Beth’s dream.
Supporting children for ever!
The three levels of Misner Fellow are:
Founding Fellows
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Senior Fellows
Pablo Aguayo
Kelley & Nate Dominguez
Jordan Adler
Patti Salvucci
In Memory of Geof Scanlon
Joan & Stewart Emery
In Memory of Brennan Scanlon
In Memory of Marjan Manzil
Shelli Howlett
Rich Stroiney
In Memory of Trish Kropp
BNI Germany
BNI Chapter Main Line I, Philadelphia
Indiana Gregg, Wedo.ai
Nelson Lim
Stefan Gössler, BNI Steiermark-Burgenland
Founding Fellows
Diamond Fellows
Senior Fellows
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Kevin Barber
Dawn Lyons & Mike Macedonio
David Kauffman
David Kauffman
Stella Yung & Stanley Kong
BNI Global
Eiji Takasu
Meena & Mac Srinivasan
Monica Passini & Dario Castagna
Donna Baxter
Pamlico Capital Group
Kevin Barber
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
In Memory of Martin Lawson
Dr Sarah & Graham Weihmiller
Paolo Mariola
Yoshiko & Asato Ohno
Theresa Phuong & Michael Ho
Walter S Johnson Foundation
In Memory of Charles Walchonski
Mike Adray
BNI Las Vegas
Markus Mensch Marketing L.L.C.
Jody Misner
BNI Chapter Venus, Singapore
Tim Roberts
In Memory of Anna Walchonski
Kevin Yang
Adam Bialek
Pawan Kumar
BNI Germany South-West
Cecily Huang & Lion Lai
ABoCo Shen, BNI Taipei City Central
Tiago Cunha, BNI España SLC
Smart Xie
Aryan, Anuradhha & Bijay Shah
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Pablo Aguayo
Kelley & Nate Dominguez
Jordan Adler
Patti Salvucci
BNI Chapter Main Line I, Philadelphia
Nelson Lim
In Memory of Geof Scanlon
Joan & Stewart Emery
In Memory of Trish Kropp
Rich Stroiney
In Memory of Brennan Scanlon
Kevin Barber
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
BNI Germany Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
In Memory of Marjan Manzil
Shelli Howlett
Indiana Gregg, Wedo.ai
Stefan Gössler, BNI Steiermark-Burgenland
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Andrea & Mark Stowe
Ashley Misner
Dorian Prin Misner
Steve Black
Ed Craine
In Memory of Jerry Webb
Elizabeth H Coursen
Michael Mayer & Harald Lais
Michele Bedwell
Dexter Ortega & YP Lai
Candace Bailly
Kevin Barber
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Penny & Dan Georgevich
Danja Hermetschweiler
In Memory of Emmanuel Tagarira
Rachel Hoong & Marcus Hwang
Dr Andrew Nigel de Souza
BNI Chapter Matrix, Singapore
BNI Chapter Elite, Singapore
Dawne Brooks Gulla
Jeremy Walsh
Claudia MacDermott
Mary O’Connor
Neville Ward
Barbara Turpin & Benjamin Delagoutte
John & Anna Rivers
Diamond Fellows
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Kevin Barber
David Kauffman
Dawn Lyons & Mike Macedonio
Manisha & Sandeep Shah
Donna Baxter
In Memory of Martin Lawson
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Pamlico Capital Group
Monica Passini & Dario Castagna
In Memory of Martin Lawson
Dr. Sarah & Graham Weihmiller
Meena & Mac Srinivasan
Yoshiko & Asato Ohno
Eiji Takasu
Stella Yung & Stanley Kong
Theresa Phuong & Michael Ho
BNI Global
Paolo Mariola
Tim Roberts
Mike Adray
BNI Chapter Venus, Singapore
BNI Las Vegas
Walter S Johnson Foundation
Jody Misner
In Memory of Charles Walchonski
Markus Mensch Marketing L.L.C.
ABoCo Shen, BNI Taipei City Central
In Memory of Anna Walchonski
Kevin Yang
Adam Bialek
Pawan Kumar
BNI Germany South-West
BNI Germany South-West
Cecily Huang & Lion Lai
ABoCo Shen, BNI Taipei City Central
Tiago Cunha, BNI España SLC
Smart Xie
Aryan, Anuradhha & Bijay Shah
Elisabeth and Dr. Ivan Misner
Andrea & Mark Stowe
Steve Black
Ashley Misner
Dorian Prin Misner
Dexter Ortega & YP Lai
Candace Bailly
Michele Bedwell
Penny & Dan Georgevich
Danja Hermetschweiler
Michael Mayer & Harald Lais
Rachel Hoong & Marcus Hwang
Elizabeth H Coursen
Ed Craine
Dr Andrew Nigel de Souza
In Memory of Jerry Webb
In Memory of Emmanuel Tagarira
BNI Chapter Elite, Singapore
BNI Chapter Matrix, Singapore
Dawne Brooks Gulla
Jeremy Walsh
Claudia MacDermott
Mary O’Connor
Neville Ward
Barbara Turpin & Benjamin Delagoutte
John & Anna Rivers